United States congressional delegations from Minnesota

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Flag of Minnesota
Census Topic Value
Population 5,706,494
50.2% Male
49.8% Female
77.5% White
7% Black
5.2% Asian
1.2% Native American
0.1% Pacific Islander
Ethnicity 6.1% Hispanic
Median household income $84,313
High school graduation rate 93.7%
College graduation rate 38.2%
Upcoming elections
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2020 census and 2022 ACS data. Percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.

This page displays the current and historical members of U.S. Congress from Minnesota.

Here is the current partisan breakdown of the congressional members from Minnesota.

Congressional Partisan Breakdown from Minnesota
Party U.S. Senate U.S. House Total
Democratic 2 4 6
Republican 0 4 4
Independent 0 0 0
Vacancies 0 0 0
Total 2 8 10

Current members

U.S. Senate

See also: Classes of United States Senators

The current members of the U.S. Senate from Minnesota are:

Office Name Party Date assumed office Date term ends
U.S. Senate Minnesota Amy Klobuchar Democratic January 3, 2007 January 3, 2025
U.S. Senate Minnesota Tina Smith Democratic January 3, 2018 January 3, 2027

U.S. House

The current members of the U.S. House from Minnesota are:

Office Name Party Date assumed office Date term ends
U.S. House Minnesota District 1 Brad Finstad Republican August 12, 2022 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Minnesota District 2 Angie Craig Democratic January 3, 2019 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Minnesota District 3 Dean Phillips Democratic January 3, 2019 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Minnesota District 4 Betty McCollum Democratic January 3, 2001 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Minnesota District 5 Ilhan Omar Democratic January 3, 2019 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Minnesota District 6 Tom Emmer Republican January 3, 2015 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Minnesota District 7 Michelle Fischbach Republican January 3, 2021 January 3, 2025
U.S. House Minnesota District 8 Pete Stauber Republican January 3, 2019 January 3, 2025

Historical members

U.S. Senate

The following individuals were elected to the U.S. Senate from Minnesota.

Historical Representation to the U.S. Senate by Party from Minnesota
Party Total
     Republican 23
     Democratic 14
     Farmer-Labor 3
     Independent 1
Class 1 Senators from Minnesota
Senator Years Served Party
Henry M. Rice 1858-1863 Democratic
Alexander Ramsey 1863-1875 Republican
Samuel J. R. McMillan 1875-1887 Republican
Cushman K. Davis 1887-1900 Republican
Charles A. Towne 1900-1901 Democratic
Moses E. Clapp 1901-1917 Republican
Frank B. Kellogg 1917-1923 Republican
Henrik Shipstead 1923-1947 Republican
Edward J. Thye 1947-1959 Republican
Eugene J. McCarthy 1959-1971 Democratic
Hubert H. Humphrey Jr. 1971-1978 Democratic
Muriel B. Humphrey 1978-1978 Democratic
David F. Durenberger 1978-1995 Republican
Rod Grams 1995-2001 Republican
Mark Dayton 2001-2007 Democratic
Amy Klobuchar 2007-Present Democratic
Class 2 Senators from Minnesota
Senator Years Served Party
James Shields 1858-1859 Democratic
Morton S. Wilkinson 1859-1865 Republican
Daniel S. Norton 1865-1870 Republican
William Windom 1870-1883 Republican
Ozora P. Stearns 1871-1871 Republican
A. J. Edgerton 1881-1881 Republican
Dwight M. Sabin 1883-1889 Republican
William D. Washburn 1889-1895 Republican
Knute Nelson 1895-1923 Republican
Magnus Johnson 1923-1925 Farmer-Labor
Thomas D. Schall 1925-1935 Republican
Elmer A. Benson 1935-1936 Farmer-Labor
Guy V. Howard 1936-1937 Republican
Ernest Lundeen 1937-1940 Farmer-Labor
Joseph H. Ball 1940-1942 and 1943-1949 Republican
Arthur E. Nelson 1942-1943 Republican
Hubert H. Humphrey Jr. 1949-1964 Democratic
Walter F. Mondale 1964-1976 Democratic
Wendell R. Anderson 1976-1978 Democratic
Rudy Boschwitz 1978-1991 Republican
Paul D. Wellstone 1991-2002 Democratic
Dean Barkley 2002-2003 Independent
Norm Coleman 2003-2009 Republican
Al Franken 2009-2018 Democratic
Tina Smith 2018 - Present Democratic

U.S. House

The following individuals were elected to the U.S. House from Minnesota.


Historical Representation to the U.S. House by Party in the 2000s from Minnesota
Party Total
     Democratic 7
     Republican 11
Total Representatives 18
Representatives to the U.S. House from Minnesota
Representative Years Served Party
Mark Raymond Kennedy 2001-2007 Republican
Betty C. McCollum 2001-present Democratic
John Kline 2003-2017 Republican
Michele Bachmann 2007-2015 Republican
Keith Ellison 2007-2019 Democratic
Tim Walz 2007-2019 Democratic
Erik Paulsen 2009-2019 Republican
Chip Cravaack 2011-2013 Republican
Rick Nolan 2013-2019 Democratic
Tom Emmer 2015-present Republican
Jason Lewis 2017-2019 Republican
Angie Craig 2019-present Democratic
Pete Stauber 2019-present Republican
Jim Hagedorn 2019-2022 Republican
Ilhan Omar 2019-present Democratic
Dean Phillips 2019-present Democratic
Michelle Fischbach 2021-Present Republican
Brad Finstad 2022-present Republican


Historical Representation to the U.S. House by Party in the 1900s from Minnesota
Party Total
     Democratic 25
     Republican 51
     Farmer-Labor 11
     Multiple party affiliations 1
Total Representatives 88
Representatives to the U.S. House from Minnesota
Representative Years Served Party
John Lind 1903-1905 Democratic
Clarence Buckman 1903-1907 Republican
James Bede 1903-1909 Republican
Halvor Steenerson 1903-1923 Republican
Andrew Volstead 1903-1923 Republican
Charles Russell Davis 1903-1925 Republican
Loren Fletcher 1905-1907 Republican
Winfield Scott Hammond 1907-1905 Democratic
Frank Nye 1907-1913 Republican
Charles August Lindbergh 1907-1917 Republican
Clarence B. Miller 1909-1919 Republican
Sydney Anderson 1911-1925 Republican
James Manahan 1913-1915 Republican
George Ross Smith 1913-1917 Republican
Carl Van Dyke 1915-1919 Democratic
Franklin Ellsworth 1915-1921 Republican
Thomas D. Schall 1915-1925 Republican
Ernest Lundeen 1917-1919 and 1933-1937 Republican
Harold Knutson 1917-1949 Republican
William Leighton Carss 1919-1921 and 1925-1929 Farmer-Labor
Oscar Keller 1919-1927 Republican
Walter Newton 1919-1929 Republican
Oscar Larson 1921-1925 Republican
Frank Clague 1921-1933 Republican
Knud Wefald 1923-1927 Farmer-Labor
Ole J. Kvale 1923-1929 Farmer-Labor
Allen J. Furlow 1925-1929 Republican
August H. Andresen 1925-1933 and 1935-1958 Republican
Godfrey G. Goodwin 1925-1933 Republican
Melvin Maas 1927-1933 and 1935-1945 Republican
Conrad Selvig 1927-1933 Republican
Victor Christgau 1929-1933 Republican
Paul John Kvale 1929-1939 Farmer-Labor
William I. Nolan 1929-1933 Republican
William Alvin Pittenger 1929-1933; 1935-1937; 1939-1947 Republican
Henry M. Arens 1933-1935 Farmer-Labor
Ray P. Chase 1933-1935 Republican
Theodore Christianson 1933-1937 Republican
Einar Hoidale 1933-1935 Democratic
Magnus Johnson 1933-1935 Farmer-Labor
Francis Shoemaker 1933-1935 Farmer-Labor
Elmer Ryan 1935-1941 Democratic
Rich T. Buckler 1935-1943 Farmer-Labor
John Bernard 1937-1939 Farmer-Labor
Dewey Johnson 1937-1939 Farmer-Labor
Henry Teigan 1937-1939 Farmer-Labor
John G. Alexander 1939-1941 Republican
Oscar Youngdahl 1939-1943 Republican
Herman Carl Andersen 1939-1963 Republican
Richard Pillsbury Gale 1941-1945 Republican
Joseph P. O'Hara 1941-1959 Republican
Harold Hagen 1943-1945 and 1945-1955 Farmer-Labor; Republican
Walter Judd 1943-1963 Republican
William Gallagher 1945-1946 Democratic
Frank Starkey 1945-1947 Democratic
James Mevitt 1947-1949 Democratic
George MacKinnon 1947-1949 Republican
John Blatnik 1947-1975 Democratic
Eugene McCarthy 1949-1959 Democratic
Roy Wier 1949-1961 Democratic
Fred Marshall 1949-1963 Democratic
Coya Knutson 1955-1959 Democratic
Al Quie 1958-1979 Republican
Odin Langen 1959-1971 Republican
Ancher Nelsen 1959-1974 Republican
Joseph Karth 1959-1977 Democratic
Clark MacGregor 1961-1971 Republican
Alec G. Olson 1963-1967 Democratic
Edward D. Fraser 1963-1979 Republican
John M. Zwach 1967-1975 Republican
Robert Bergland 1971-1977 Democratic
Bill Frenzel 1971-1991 Republican
Richard Nolan 1975-1981 Democratic
Tom Hagedorn 1975-1983 Republican
James Louis Oberstar 1975-2011 Democratic
Arlan Stangeland 1977-1991 Republican
Bruce Vento 1977-2000 Democratic
Arlen Erdahl 1979-1983 Republican
Martin Olav Sabo 1979-2007 Democratic
Vin Weber 1981-1993 Republican
Gerry Sikorski 1983-1993 Democratic
Tim Penny 1983-1995 Democratic
James M. Ramstad 1991-2009 Republican
Collin Clark Peterson 1991-2021 Democratic
Rod Grams 1993-1995 Republican
David Minge 1993-2001 Democratic
Bill Luther 1995-2003 Democratic
Gilbert William Gutknecht 1995-2007 Republican


Historical Representation to the U.S. House by Party in the 1800s from Minnesota
Party Total
     Democratic 11
     Republican 27
     Populist 2
Total Representatives 40
Representatives to the U.S. House from Minnesota
Representative Years Served Party
Donald Michael Cavanaugh 1858-1859 Democratic
William Wallace Phelps 1858-1859 Democratic
Cyrus Aldrich 1859-1863 Republican
William Windom 1859-1869 Republican
Ignatius Loyola Donnelly 1863-1869 Republican
Eugene McLanahan Wilson 1869-1871 Democratic
Morton S. Wilkinson 1869-1871 Republican
John T. Averill 1871-1875 Republican
Mark H. Dunnell 1871-1883 and 1889-1891 Republican
Horace B. Strait 1873-1879; 1881-1887 Republican
William S. King 1875-1877 Republican
Henry Poehler 1877-1879 Democratic
Jacob H. Stewart 1877-1879 Republican
William D. Washburn 1879-1885 Republican
James Wakefield 1883-1887 Republican
Milo White 1883-1887 Republican
Knute Nelson 1883-1889 Republican
John Gilfillan 1885-1887 Republican
John L. MacDonald 1887-1889 Democratic
Edmund Rice 1887-1889 Democratic
Thomas Wilson 1887-1889 Democratic
John Lind 1887-1893 Republican
Solomon Comstock 1889-1891 Republican
Darwin Hall 1889-1891 Republican
Samuel Snider 1889-1891 Republican
James Castle 1891-1893 Democratic
Kittel Halvorson 1891-1893 Populist
William H. Harries 1891-1893 Democratic
Osee M. Hall 1891-1895 Democratic
Melvin Baldwin 1893-1895 Democratic
Haldor Boen 1893-1895 Populist
Andrew Kiefer 1893-1897 Republican
Loren Fletcher 1893-1903 Republican
James McCleary 1893-1907 Republican
James Albertus Tawney 1893-1911 Republican
Charles A. Towne 1895-1897 Republican
Frank Eddy 1895-1903 Republican
Joel Heatwole 1895-1903 Republican
Robert P. Morris 1897-1903 Republican
Frederick Stevens 1897-1915 Republican

District map


District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
Tom Emmer (R)
District 7
District 8
Democratic Party (6)
Republican Party (4)